
Creative Brief Tip

Creative Brief Tip – Use Monthly Creative Briefs to Build Better Creative Habits

Do you often find yourself struggling to stay motivated and productive? For any artist, maintaining a consistent output can be a real challenge. This is where consistency in monthly briefs can support you to build better creative habits.

Picture this: at the beginning of every month, you receive a new creative brief. This brief outlines your direction for the month, setting the stage for your creative journey. The catch? You have a firm deadline to work towards – the end of the month. This combination of a fresh creative challenge and a clear-cut time frame can be a game-changer for your creative work.

Embracing monthly deadlines and creative briefs can supercharge your creative in a number of ways;

Accountability: Knowing that a new brief will arrive on the 1st of every month holds you accountable. You’re less likely to procrastinate or succumb to creative block when you have a tangible deadline looming.

Consistency: Creative output thrives on consistency. Monthly deadlines ensure you’re consistently working on new projects, honing your skills, and generating a body of work that’s impressive and marketable.

Variety: Each new brief brings a fresh challenge, pushing you out of your comfort zone. This variety keeps your creative muscles in shape and prevents stagnation.

Progress Tracking: Over time, you can track your growth by reviewing your previous month’s work. This allows you to see your strengths and areas where you need improvement, helping you evolve as a creator.

Motivation: The excitement of starting a new project every month keeps your motivation levels high. It becomes a cycle of creative anticipation and accomplishment.

Incorporating monthly deadlines and creative briefs into your creative routine can transform your work habits and, ultimately, the quality of your output. So, if you’ve been struggling with creative consistency, give this approach a try. It’s an effective way to stay on track, challenge yourself, and produce work you’re proud of, one month at a time.

Talk soon!
Fleur & Ryann

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