
Studio Chat: The Power of

Batch Working

Hey there, Artists!  In our latest Studio Chat we dive into all the details of batch working.  Batch Working is a  game-changer that has truly transformed the way we approach daily tasks with incredible results!

As creatives and entrepreneurs we often have our heads in so many different places. We’re trying to responds to emails, fix our website, keep our socials up to date, oh, and create!

Can I ask you a quick question, just to make sure you’re in the right place? How many tabs do you have open on your computer right now? Most of us will have at least five! So how can we get through all these tasks and stay on track?

By tackling one thing at a time. We cannot overstate the importance of this work practice and if you give this a try, we promise the results will be amazing!

Our favourite benefit of Batch Working though, is the concept of buying back time. By adopting batch working and scheduling, you will find yourself feeling lighter, as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you will be more in control of your time.

To those who haven’t embraced batch working yet, we urge you to give it a try. The efficiency and mental clarity it brings are truly remarkable. If you want to hear all the details of how to get started, plus tips on task scheduling and daily planning, then head on over to our Free Studio Chats Video Library and dive on in!

If you would love to dive into this topic more then get FREE ACCESS TO OUR STUDIO CHAT LIBRARY  HERE

There is an entire video library of chats and it’s totally FREE!

In the library we cover topics including:

– Finding Success with Art Challenges

– Raising Your Prices

– Industry Myth Busting and lots more


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