
Creative Studio Collective:
Our 5th Collaborative Art Call for Our Brief Members

Cue the fanfare and let the celebration begin! 🎉 We’ve just launched our latest ART CALL in collaboration with the beloved brand, Kinder Cloth Diaper Co. and the opportunity is amazing! 

This is a Category Exclusive Licensing opportunity, and if you love designing for the baby and kids industry, we think you’ll be thrilled to join in. If your focus is to design market-ready collections, this collaboration could be a fantastic addition to your portfolio.

Each Art Call we announce is a new opportunity — an opportunity to expand your portfolio, an opportunity to practice working to a brief for a company, and, best of all, an opportunity to showcase your work in front of a brand you would love to collaborate with!

This Art Call is running from May-July 2024 – Missed this Art Call? Join our Membership to be the first to know when new Art Calls launch.

Now, let’s dive into all the details!

So what exactly are our Art Calls?

Well, they’re like magical portals that give you insight into exactly what a company is looking for and when! The Art Calls are our way of inviting you to create artwork for specific projects, collaboration, and opportunities that brands are looking for.
We believe this will not only give your artwork the spotlight it deserves but also foster a thriving community where we can all continue to support one another!

Want to join on this Art Call? Be sure to join our Portfolio Building Creative Design Brief Membership!!

How exactly, do our Art Calls work?

It’s pretty straightforward! Every time we have a NEW Art Call we send out an email to all of our current Brief Members announcing the specific Art Call and letting you know a NEW Art Call brief has been added to their CSC library.

In your library you’ll find all of the information for the Art Call. All you need to do is select the call that speak to you, let your creativity run wild with the Art Call objective, and submit your artwork (either new or old) before the stated deadline.

Each Art Call will clearly state the objective and the requirements the company is looking for the artwork to meet.
We absolutely love seeing the magic that our Brief Members create and providing the opportunity for new and exciting partnerships to be made!
Please Note: For your work to be submitted you need to be a current Brief member for the duration of the Art Call dates.

Not a Portfoilo Building Creative Brief Member yet?


Our design briefs offer you valuable insights and advantages:

– Recommended Pitching Timeframes: Each brief is carefully timed to align with the season and industry trends, helping you pitch your work at the right moment.

– Insider Knowledge: Gain access to insider knowledge about what to design and when. Stay ahead of the curve and create designs that resonate with the market. This has taken us years to figure out & perfect!

– Work in Advance: With our design briefs, you can work well in advance, ensuring you never miss out on opportunities. Be prepared and proactive in your creative journey.


We created these design briefs in 2022 because we needed them ourselves. Since then, we’ve used them every month in our own design businesses alongside our members. We pour our hearts and energy into crafting each month’s Design Brief to provide you with quality, well-researched, trend-driven creative design brief challenges.

We’ve done all the strategic thinking and planning for you. All you need to do is show up and dive in. Our design briefs are not only affordable but also packed with value. Plus, there are even more bonuses inside!

Did someone mention ART CALLS?



Click the button below to learn more about this wonderful design tool we’ve created to help you on your creative journey in art licensing, surface pattern design, textile design, and product development.

Join us in the adventure of artistic growth, portfolio enhancement, and creative empowerment!

Xx- Ryann & Fleur

If you are not a member yet & would love to learn more about our amazing design tools to help you build your portfolio like a pro then click here to learn more.

P.S. If you would love to stay up to date with we everything we do then join our newsletter HEREÂ