Creative Brief Tip

Creative Brief Tip – Think like a Buyer
As a creative professional, you may often find yourself in a whirlwind of ideas, trying to create eye-catching designs and captivating content. One way to create the designs that capture art directors’ approval is to “think like a buyer.” This approach involves diving deep into creative briefs, deciphering what art directors are looking for, and drawing inspiration from real-life market trends.
Creative briefs are act as your compass, providing invaluable insights into current market trends and directions. They’re a treasure trove of information. By utilizing your creative brief, you can align your creative work with the expectations of art directors.
What makes creative briefs even more powerful is their connection to current market trends. Our briefs include examples of real-life products that exemplify the month’s theme. By analyzing these examples and paying attention to what’s working in the market, you gain a competitive advantage – you get a glimpse of what’s resonating with consumers right now.
To think like a buyer, start by dissecting the creative brief. Dive into the market examples provided. What elements make these products and designs successful? Is it a certain color palette, a storytelling technique, or a unique visual style?
Now, apply these insights to your creative brief. By infusing your work with the magic of current market trends, you increase the likelihood of capturing the attention of art directors.
In the ever-evolving landscape of creative content, thinking like a buyer and embracing the guidance provided by our Portfolio Building Monthly Design Briefs can set you on a path to creating content that stands and is exactly what art directors are looking for.